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Jack Dracula

Jack Dracula was born "Jack Baker." He was also known as "Jack Martin" and "Barcelona Jack." So, quite unlike Lothar Patten he didn't feel a need to hang on to his given name. 
Documented here by filmmaker Henry Ferrini, Jack talks of his name, as well as being famously photographed by Diane Arbus in the 1960s while working at Hubert's Museum as a sideshow attraction.

Filmed against a plain black backdrop, Ferrini's story of Jack is completely devoid of any discernable landscape, as well as any of the questions Ferrini asked him.  As a result we are able to hear Jack's story from Jack himself without any distraction -- except, perhaps, his own sensationalized self.

Digital Color Video, Henry Ferrini

Henri Ferrini lives and makes films out of the port city of Gloucester, Massachusetts. He has produced several highly acclaimed narrative documentaries including Radio Fishtown, Lowell Blues, The Words of Jack Kerouac and the recently release Polis Is This, Charles Olson and the Persistence of Place. He is currently working on a film about jazz saxophonist Lester Willis Young.